Well, the plan yesterday evening was to have a restful night in front of the television...I'm pooped, just like everyone else who fills their days. But a good friend of mine returned my phone plea for help with my sewing machine, and offered to help me out - I only know enough about my sewing machine to be dangerous!! So...I had a quick little lesson, and then a nice long visit. By the way...she has too much work for me to list her information in this blog (which doesn't surprise me at all, because she's the most talented dress-maker I know), but if that changes, I will be able to recommend her!
After returning from the lesson/visit, I thought, "Okay...time for the sitcoms!" Then during the first commercial, I though,"Well, let me just see how this one piece of fabric will look as a pillow". Then I had to try another piece. You get the idea. Pretty soon the TV was only on in the back ground, and I have no idea what channel, let alone what shows were on!
I haven't stuffed the pillows yet, but I LOVE the fabrics & colors!! The plan is to finish them and add them to my shop over the weekend. Stay tuned!
Be careful, sewing can be very addicting!!:)