Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pickin' in NJ - Block Sale in Kendall Park!

I LOOOOOVE me a block garage sale! Everyone is so friendly, which I find to be the case with garage sales in general. But there's something about all the neighbors out and about, doing the same thing, running into other neighbors from other's a lot of fun!

Those of you who follow my other blog will understand that I almost swooned when I pulled up to this house:

AS it turns out, right here in my own neighborhood, lives auctioneer Joe Bodnar, of Bodnar's Auction Sales. Believe me, I will be checking out his monthly auctions in Somerset - see the website for details. The next one is Sept. 9.

All told, there were about 6-7 families.

Look at these cute little cows!!! I have a thing for cows, especially vintage cows. I bought all of them :)

Here's my haul:

Let's just have ONE more look at that sweet little night stand!

It's always great to find treasures in your own back yard. What did you find this weekend??

'Til the next pickin' weekend - have a great week!

Mona Kay


  1. wow! How much $ did you pay for the chest and the leafy frame?

  2. Hi Ursula! I paid $6 for the chest and $10 (I think) for the frame :)

  3. I have to start going to GS again... Do you know what day the 6 mile church in Franklin Park has their Flea Market again?

  4. Ursula...I do not, but I will keep my eye out, and will post it on my blog when I find out. They may put it on Craigslist...I will be sure to check!

  5. Hi Ursula: The 6mile church flea market is on October 9. I e-mailed them to find out :)

  6. OMG Mona, I wish I had found your blog earlier aside from all the awesome redos you do that garage sale was one I wish I didn't miss. I live in Colts Neck. Love the goodies you brought home. Isn't it great rummaging through other peoples "junk"!
